
Rule-breaking: How I misuse my guitar (free studio-concert on 31-07-2020) Accept the unacceptable! (Een aarzeling lang)

"The weather forecast is inward" - beach chair

NOT a football-song (Tiki-Taki) - De willekeurigheid van elk fragment laten zien

performance 07-07-2020: Ottist(F)reddy with his invisible orchestra

@ Eva Steynen Deviations in Antwerp (De opbrengst van concentratie)

A relaxed atmosphere of creativity (is set against determined external conditions)

un petit enfer d'exploitation sans fin

He called himself a cowboy because he thought he looked dumb. Ottist(F)reddy with his Invisible Orchestra

Ja!ja! alles behalve wind (Friendship gatherings)

Elke winnaar verliest soms zijn geduld

This "poem" was found in the poet’s typewriter after his death